South Africa - Angola Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
Bilateral Chamber in South Africa. A must-visit site for any South African wanting to do business with Angola. The SA-Angola Chamber of Commerce (SA-ACC), a private business initiative, is a South Africa-based, public benefit, non-profit, association, established to promote Angola-related business, honestly, fearlessly, and with authority. SA-ACC is the first South Africa - other African country bilateral chamber and has been recognised by the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa - Southern African centre as a best private sector practice in the promotion of regional integration.
The following are some of the services the Chamber can provide to your Organization at preferential rates:
- Identification/selection of business operators (eg. Importers, distributors, potential partners)
- Business associates verification
- Visa concessions/ multiple visa (Our members can now apply trough the Chamber and they don't need a letter of invitation from Angola.)
- Translations and interpretations - routine and technical
- Market research and Risk management
- Basic legal advice
- Representation at Trade Fairs (SA-ACC represented 15 companies' members at the International Trade Fair FILDA in July 2004 in Luanda.)
- Discounted rates for our seminars and events
- Assistance in organizing business trips or missions to Angola.
Standard Bank Research Portal
Standrd Bank's Research Portal provides you with latest market and economic research and presentations. Do a search for the country in question to gain access to the relevant information.
Angolan visa requirements are detailed here.
Angola Export Import
Angolan foreign trade and economic indicators.
A comprehensive list of freight
forwarders provided by Freight Net.
of Commerce and Industry
Official website of the Chamber of Commerce
and Industry of Angola. In Portuguese langauge only. An
english version will be available soon.
Economic ratings
Fitch Ratings is a leading global rating
agency committed to providing the world's credit markets
with independent, timely and prospective credit opinions.
Built on a foundation of organic growth and strategic acquisitions,
Fitch Ratings has grown rapidly during the past decade
gaining market presence throughout the world and across
all fixed income markets.Do a search for "Angola". Requires registration.
risk assessment from Ducroire | Delcrede SA.NV Credit Insurance
Charts of risk levels for political
and commercial risks for export transactions and direct
Angola National Shippers' Council
Since 1994 Angola operates a monitoring
cargo system which means that every commodity loaded to
this country has to obtain prior of shipment a so called
« Loading Certificate » from the CNCA representative at
the port of loading. This webpage, provided by Worms Services
Maritime, gives information about this requirement.
- Business Directory is a business directory
for Angola. Angolan and foreign companies and entities
can take part and use this tool to be present in the Angolan
Global wine & spirits
Developed for wine professionals by wine professionals, Global Wine & Spirits is the world's leading wine e-business network for buyers and sellers in the wine and spirits industry. Choose the country link and do a search to obtain a listing of importers and agents in this country.