National Institute of Statistics
Gives information on the current economic and social situation in Portugal.
Euromonitor International
Euromonitor International publishes thousands of country, market and lifestyle statistics on Portugal.
Banco de Portugal - statistics
The purpose of this web page is to provide the statistics compiled by Banco de Portugal, as well as statistics and economic indicators compiled by other institutions. The structure of this page follows the organisation of the Statistical Bulletin, being divided into chapters and sections, each one containing tables and/or documents. These tables, that may be downloaded as text files, display time series for periods longer than those included in the Statistical Bulletin.
Statistical profile of Portugal
More than 100 indicators covering a wide range of
areas: economy, agriculture, education, energy, environment, foreign
aid, health and quality of life, industry, information and communications,
population/labour force, trade and investment, taxation, public expenditure
and R&D. Click
on the red i beside each indicator to obtain the unit
of measure, a short introductory text, a detailed
definition of the indicator, comments on comparability of the data,
and a list of references for further information on the indicator.
To compare Portugal
with other OECD countries, click on the table and
chart icons at the end of each row to obtain the comparative data in
Excel format.
Trade Organisations trade statistics
The WTO provides a wide range
of trade statistics on most countries of the world. This
link takes you to the start page where you will need to
select the country(ies) that you wish to obtain trade
statistics on. It is definitely a good site to visit.
InfoNation is a UN website
aimed at the learning community, but that provides a very
useful facility whereby you can access a range of statistics
about different countries and regions. It is also possible
to compare the statistics from five different countries,
which is a useful feature. It is not the easiest site
to navigate, however, and you will need to spend a little
time on the site in order to become familiar with it.
Bank - World Development indicators
The site links to a database
of a wide range of development indicators, from GDP to
energy figures. You need to select the country and indicators
you are interested in, but it is an excellent source of
up-to-date information. This is worth a look.
Monetary Fund - World Economic Outlook database
The site links to the World
Economic Outlook database, a comprehensive database covering
a wide range of economic and development data. The site
requires you to select the country you want to investigate
as well as the data that you want to view and when you
are finished, it provides you with a printable report
covering all the information you have selected. It is
also possible to compare countries. Although the site
requires some effort, it is an invaluable source of information.